Form Submission Debugger
Search Engine Optimization Techniques
Search Engine Optimization for dynamic pages
Free Perl CGI scripts
Online Test Engine
#!/usr/bin/perl ##################################################### # Script by MP.Prakash R.Lewis # # # # This script is offered in the same terms as Perl. # # Comments and suggestions may be sent through # # # # No liability or damage will be accepted by the # # author under any circumstances. # ##################################################### # debugging form submissions use CGI qw/:standard/; $query=new CGI; @names= $query->param; print header, start_html('Debugging Tool to dump the form submission'), hr; # User information print "User from: $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} with $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} browser <hr>"; print "<br>\n"; foreach (@names){ print $_ ."=".param($_)." <br>"; } print end_html;